Car Breakdowns: 3 Smart Actionable Tips to Follow When Your Car Breaks Down

8 June 2015
 Categories: , Blog

As much as you love driving your car along the open roads, there's the inevitable car break down that comes up occasionally. Chances are your car won't give you much notice and most often will break down at the most inopportune times. Without any prior mechanic experience, it's almost impossible for you to get the car problem fixed on your own. Panicking is not the answer as you attempt to deal with this problem in the best possible manner to ensure you get home safely. Here are some smart actionable tips to undertake when your car breaks down.

Get the Car off Road

Before calling any towing service, make sure you turn on your hazard lights and get the car off the road. Leaving your car on the road makes it a safety hazard to other moving vehicles. It could also be unsafe for you inside the car, as speeding vehicles drive past you—just one mistake by another driver could have you battling for life.

Once you're on the side, lift the emergency brake to prevent your car from accidentally rolling onto advancing traffic.

Call a Towing Service for Help

Now that you're safely away from the road, call a local towing service for help. Give them details of where you are, so that they can reach you or connect you to the nearest towing service to get to your location as soon as possible.

If you don't know the number of a local towing service, call a trusted family or friend with web access and give them the details of your location, so they can get a towing service to reach you quickly. Avoid taking help from strangers. It's best to wait in your car with the doors locked till a towing service or other professional help arrives.

Don't Try to Play Mechanic When You Have No Experience

If you have absolutely no experience in identifying unfastened battery cables or fixing flat tyres, then now is certainly not the time to be the hero. Fixing car problems can be tricky under any circumstance. Perched on the side of a highway is certainly not an ideal situation to start learning the tricks of the trade. You could do more damage than good, so wait until the professional towing service arrives.

Car breakdowns can be thoroughly nerve-wracking, but waiting for a professional car towing service like Lightning Towing is perhaps the smartest thing you can do when you have no car fixing experience. 
